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    The Chapter Organization

    A five-member Board of Governors elected by the general membership governs the MCHRMA. All activities are arranged by volunteer members contributing to the chapter while enhancing their own professional development. Chapter meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month (excluding July and December) at 12:00 noon generally at BancorpSouth located at 1301 Gunter Avenue in Guntersville, AL. Monthly programs are designed to provide time to hear speakers and have discussion on current issues facing human resource professionals.

    What is MCHRMA

    The Marshall County Human Resource Management Association has a diverse membership which represents large and small corporations and organizations with ranges in experience from entry-level to senior-level and practices such as generalists to specific functioning areas such as Employment and Placement, Compensation and Benefits, Training and Development, etc. While affiliated with SHRM, MCHRMA operates independently, providing a wide variety of professional development and networking opportunities for the Marshall County area HR professionals.